
Photo by Lori AlanizWe are always looking for articles and letters on the theme of education, spending abuse by universities, reform, editorials both for and against the movement as well as letters to the editor. Please send submissions to


  1. I would hope that this movement is not going to be coopted by the likes of the SIEU and the campaign to re-elect Obama. Then again, I’m a realist. The more demands we make of government, the more justified government will seem stepping in. Want to know what the real problem is? Government! The loans for education have been increasing every year for decades.

    “Dr. Richard Vedder, professor of economics at Ohio University, says that higher education is in a “bubble situation”, indicated by “its price [rising] sharply, fueled by cheap federal loan and grant money while the return on investment has fallen.”

    In the past it was possible to pay for tuition without taking loans. Now, thanks to government intervention, if you’re not lucky enough to be a recipient of the free money, you almost certainly start off life in debt. This means you must take the first job that comes along instead of waiting for the right opportunity to enter the workforce.

    Perhaps we should be boycotting universities, as well as the banks. Just some food for thought.

  2. Travis Brown says:

    This is the Magnetar scandal and its detrimental effects to the 2008 collapse. This article explains it all. It’s lengthy, but worth the read.

  3. Travis Brown says:

    We need as many people to join us as possible! Egypt marched for Austin, now its our turn. Let us show our support for our brothers and sisters! This will not only take place in Houston, but Austin as well. We will meet at the Austin City Hall at 11am and march at 12pm to the Capitol. If anyone needs a ride please contact me. Occupy!!/pages/Occupy-Austin-Defend-The-Egyptian-Revolution/308672559145703?sk=info

    • Travis Brown says:

      I posted the Occupy Austin: Defend The Egyptian Revolution page here a few days ago. However, I was misinformed. The march for Egypt is only in Houston. There will be a caravan at 7am @ Austin Java tomorrow morning that will return between 8 and 9pm. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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